Popular. I Sure Do Feel Pop-u-lar!

TikTok has opened up a whole new world of Shawna the Maid friends and fans ...

I joined TikTok in October 2023. My amazing friend and sometimes-blackmailer, Queen Sarah, had insisted I record a video doing the popular dance from the Wednesday Adams show on Netflix, and she wanted it on TikTok, along with other social platforms.

I posted some other videos there from time to time, but they mostly got between 500 and 1,500 views, and it wasn't something I thought a lot about.

Then, a year later, I uploaded a post with a series of pictures of me in a humiliating "sexy" pumpkin costume at Walmart just before Halloween -- and the post views skyrocketed! To date, my biggest post on TikTok had about 2,500 views, and suddenly this one raced to 331,000 views in just a few days! It was crazy. And scary, too! God only knew who might see it as it was reposted more than 47,000 times!

My TikTok post titled "The Things You See at Walmart" leapt to more than 330,000 views and 47,000 reposts in just a few days' time!

After that, my posts continued to see more traffic than they had previously but were more moderately viewed, typically attracting between 3,000 and 8,000 views, which still seemed like a lot to me.

But then I posted this video near the holidays last year ... a video that was a few years old of me singing Christmas songs in a public gazebo while a friend off-camera was having a grand old time pressing the button on a remote control for the shock collar I'd been told to wear for the occasion, fastened around a rather sensitive part of my anatomy! And I guess the laughs were a welcome Christmas gift to users on TikTok, because this video attracted more than 35,000 views.

In the meantime, I offered to take custom sign pictures for some of my TikTok followers ... something I've done over the years for friends on Facebook and Instagram, and I usually get three or four requests per month. The response on TikTok has been overwhelming! It started with folks wanting sign pictures with messages on the signs about how I'm their bitch (or something similar) and then it morphed to requests for video shoutouts. The volume is such that I've had to stop taking requests through DMs and comments on other posts because I found myself losing track of them, and I've had to add a sign picture and video shoutout request form to my website that I now ask everyone to fill out if they'd like one of these sign pictures ...

And videos like these ...

In recent weeks, I've had a series of videos explode in viewership. Three videos, in particular, taken during a humiliating punishment where my friend Princess Samantha, who has fun blackmailing me, sent me out to play in the snow like a dog. You know ... because I'm her bitch. She also assigned me some punishing "obedience training" and told me the videos needed to be posted online for anyone to see. Combined, these videos now have more than 515,000 views and more than 52,000 reposts on TikTok ... and another 195,000 views and nearly 30,000 reposts on Instagram. Yikes! (Note: I'm sharing a couple of these from YouTube instead of TikTok because the embed code from TikTok doesn't seem to be working cleanly for all videos.)

I've really only ever had one previous experience with this level of viewership ... years ago when a friend made me post a terrible video of myself dancing to "Anaconda" by Niki Minaj on Facebook, and some page picked it up where it got something like 3 million total views. It was both terrifying and, I'll admit, thrilling. But over the years that page was deactivated, and so were others where it had been shared, and now it's difficult to even still find that video anywhere. And apart from that, my posts on Facebook and Instagram typically don't get a ton of views or engagement ... maybe a few hundred comments on a post that sort of catches fire, but that's generally about it. So, it's been wild to see so much engagement on these posts on TikTok these last few months. And a recent Valentine's Day video I posted is still climbing a couple weeks later with more than half a million views and more than 100,000 reposts!

And I think that's a nice place to sort of leave my feelings about my experience on TikTok, at least so far ... a nice message of love. Because a lot of people on the platform have showed me a lot of love despite my silly shenanigans and how far outside the mainstream my profile really is. Yes, I have gotten some hate and ugliness from other users, but it's been far outweighed by the positivity of so many other folks, and for that, I'm really appreciative.

No telling what the future holds, of course. There's still a chance TikTok could be shut down here in the U.S. in the coming months. And sentiment could always turn against me in a significant way. After all, the internet is a fickle place. But for now, I'm really thankful for all the good fun people have been having with my bitch ass on the platform, and I hope that continues. :)